Is your medicine making you healthier, or sicklier? Many medicines are designed to be very strong, so strong that they harm your healthiness - to fight your sickness rapidly. Which medicines improve your healthiness?
Is Medicine harming your Health? Is the field of medicine harming our health? Are you taking medicines that are decreasing your healthiness?
Modern medicine is blind to health. You'll often hear phrases like 'keep your health', 'restore your health', 'regain your health', 'protect your health' from practitioners of medicine.
What's wrong with that? Each of those phrases suggests that health can only be 'present', or 'absent'.
Health is always present, unless you are dead. You cannot 'lose your health'. When you are sick, you 'haven't lost your health'. It's still there, fighting your illness. Your health is only 'lost' when your life ends.
Medicine, is a tool we use to fight illness. In many cases, the medicines we use to fight illness also fight healthiness. But this is not printed on the label.
Which medicines harm your healthiness? Which medicines improve your healthiness? Which medicines harm your healthiness, so that it can improve? Which medicines improve your healthiness, so it can fight your illness? Which medicines improve your 'symptoms' while harming your healthiness? Which improve your symptoms while improving your healthiness? Which might make your symptoms worse, while improving your healthiness?
A medicine improves your state of wellness, decreasing your illness, but does little to change your healthiness.
A symptomicine can improve your symptoms of illness, while actually decreasing your healthiness. Most medicines sold today are symptomicines - because they appear to give positive results.
A healthicine increases your healthiness, and can also improve your state of wellness, decreasing your illness, at the same time.
The wrong medicine can only harm your health. We need to track wrong medicines, because they are often administered by medical professionals as well as by ourselves.
None of this is printed on the label. None of it is studied by medical science.
The label lists 'side effects'. What are side effects? Side effects are usually negative health effects. But medicine, the science of medicine, is blind to health, does not study healthiness - and thus cannot put 'healthiness' information on the label.
What can you do? If you are prescribed a medicine, ask two very important questions:
1. Will this medicine cure my illness. If it does not cure, it is not a true medicine.
2. Is this a medicine designed only to treat my symptoms. Most medicines are symptomicines. But if you really want to improve your healthiness, to beat your illness, you need more than a symptomicine.
If we are to find health, we need freedom, not just freedom to act, we also need free access to information, real information, about the medicines we are using.
to your health, tracy
Tracy is the author of two books about healthicine:
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